Channel: The Art of Pierangelo Boog
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Geo Ham (Georges Hamel) Fast racing crates


 Dr. Waelti write:
The motor car has always held a romantic appeal for artists who have sought to capture the speed and the excitement of motoring. At the beginning of the 20th century the automobile art sprang up in Paris, when the imagination of artists working in the fields of both commercial and fine art was inspired by automobile.
Georges Hamel, soon known as Geo Ham, was widely regarded as one of the finest automotive artists of all time. He was born in France in 1900. He began getting his work published by as early as 1923, and by the 1930's was already established as the finest in his field, being commissioned to create the fantastic Art Deco posters for the Monaco Grand Prix, the 24 Hours of Le Mans and many others. He competed in the 1934 Le Mans race in a 2 liter Derby, and although fuel problems forced him to withdrawal, his experience helped him capture the excitement of motor racing in his paintings. Geo Ham died in 1972.
L'automobilea toujours euun attraitromantiquepour les artistesqui ont cherché àcapterla vitesseet l'excitationde l'automobile.Au débutdu 20esiècle, l'artde l'automobilebondità Paris, quandl'imagination des artistestravaillant dansles domaines de l'artà la foiscommercialet fineinspirée parceautomobile.
GeorgesHamel,bientôtconnue sous le nomGeoHam,ce quilargement considérécomme l'un desmeilleurs artistes del'automobilede tous les temps.Il est néen Francedans les années 1900.Ila commencé à obtenirson travailpublié pardès 1923etparles années 1930ce qui est déjàétablicomme le meilleurdans son domaine,étantchargé decréerle fantastiqueaffiched'artdécopour le GrandPrix de Monaco, les 24Heures du Manset bien d'autres.Il a participéen 1934Mansdans un2 litresDerby, et biendes problèmes de carburantont forcéle retrait,son expériencel'a aidé àcapturer l'excitationde la course automobiledans ses peintures.GeoHamest décédé en1972.

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