Geoffrey Chaucer:The Canterbury Tales
illustrated by W. Russell Flint
“Ne how the goddes ronnen up and doun,
Disherited of hir habitacioun,
In which they woneden in reste and pees,
Nymphes, Faunes, and Amadrides”
Disherited of hir habitacioun,
In which they woneden in reste and pees,
Nymphes, Faunes, and Amadrides”
Knight's Tale (Die Erzählung des Ritters)
Man of Law’s Tale
Knight’s Tal
Knight’s Tale
“And how asseged was Ipolita,
The faire hardy quene of Scithia”
The faire hardy quene of Scithia”
Knight’s Ta
“He caste his eye upon Emelya,
And there-with-al he bleynte, and cryde ‘a!’
As though he stongen were un-to the herte”
And there-with-al he bleynte, and cryde ‘a!’
As though he stongen were un-to the herte”
“And on hir bare knees adoun they falle,
And wolde have kist his feet ther-as he stood,
Til at the laste aslaked was his mood”
And wolde have kist his feet ther-as he stood,
Til at the laste aslaked was his mood”

“Amiddes of the temple sat meschaunce,
With disconfort and sory contenaunce”
Miller's Tale (Die Erzählung des Müllers)
“Jalous he was, and heeled hir narwe in cage,
For she was wilde and yong, and he was old”
Man of Law's Tale (Die Erzählung des Rechtsgelehrten)
Man of Law’s Tale
“To shippe is brough this woful faire mayde
Solempnely, with every circumstance”
“The constable of the castel doun is fare
To seen this wrak, and al the ship he soghte,
And fond this wery womman ful of care”
“… And on this book he swoor anoon
She gilty was, and in the mene whyles
A hand him smoot upon the nekke-boon”
Prioresses Tale (Die Erzählung der Priorin)

“This child with pitous lamentacioun
Up-taken was, singing his song alway;
And with honour of greet processioun
They carien him un-to the nexte abbay”
Tale of Melibee (Die Erzählung von Melibeus)
“Judith, by hir good conseil, delivered the citee of Bethulie,
in which she dwelled, out of the handes of Olofernus”
Volume 2
Monk's Tale (Die Erzählung des Mönchs)
"For certein, whan that fortune list to flee,
Ther may no man the cours of hir witholde”
“Allas, fortune! she that whylom was
Dredful to kinges and to emperoures,
Now gaureth al the peple on hir, allas!”
Pardoners Tale (Die Erzählung des Ablasskrämers)
“In Flaundres whylom was a companye
Of yonge folk, that haunteden folye”
Wyf (Wife) of Bathes Prologue
“I swoor that al my walkinge out by nighte
Was for t’espye wenches that he dighte”
"That Jankin clerk, and my gossib dame Alis, And I my-self, in-to the feldes wente."
Wife of Bath's Tale (Die Erzählung des Weibes von Bath)
“…The knight saugh verraily al this,
That she so fair was, and so yong ther-to"
Clerk's Tale (Die Erzählung des Klerk)
“Grisilde of this, god woot, ful innocent,
That for hir shapen was al this array,
To fecchen water at a welle is went”
“A lusty playne, habundant of vitaille,
Where many a tour and toun thou mayst biholde”
“Remember yow, myn owene lord so dere,
I was your wyf, thogh I unworthy were”
“But with glad chere to the yate is went,
With other folk, to grete the markisesse”
Mercheant's Tale (Die Erzählung des Kaufmanns)
“Night with his mantel, that is derk and rude,
Gan oversprede the hemisperie aboute;
For which departed is this lusty route
Fro Januarie, with thank on every syde”
“Now lat us turne agayn to Januarie,
That in the gardin with his faire May
Singeth, ful merier than the papejay,
‘Yow love I best, and shal, and other noon’ “
Volume 3
Squire's Tale (Die Erzählung des Junkers)
“And to the tree she gooth ful hastily,
And on this faucon loketh pitously,
And heeld hir lappe abrood”
Franklin's Tale
“But whan she saugh the grisly rokkes blake,
For verray fere so wolde hir herte quake,
That on hir feet she mighte hir noght sustene”
“Daunced a quuyer biforen Dorigen,
That fressher was and jolyer of array,
As to my doom, than is the monte of May”

“And after this, he dide him swich plesaunce,
That he him shewed his lady on a daunce”
Second Nun's Tale (Die Erzählung der zweiten Nonne)
"Thee mene I, mayde and martir, seint Cecilie!”
“And she gan kisse his brest, that herde this,
And was ful glad he coude trouthe espye”
“Almache answerde, ‘chees oon of thise two,
Do sacrifyce, or Cristendom reneye,
That thou mowe now escapen by that weye’ “
“And he weex wroth, and bad men sholde hir lede
Hom til hir hous, ‘and in hir hous,’ quod he,
‘Brenne hir right in a bath of flambes rede’ “
Manciple's Tale
“His bowe he bente, and sette ther-inne a flo,
And in his irfe his wyf thanne hath he slayn”
Parson's Tale (Die Erzählung des Pfarrers)
Frontispiece of the third volume
“Thise almesses shaltow doon of thyne owene propre thinges,
and hastily, and prively if thou mayst”
“And for-as-muche as a man may acquiten him-self biforn
god by penitence in this world, and nat by tresor, therfore
sholde he preye to god to yeve him respyt a whyle, to bi-
wepe and biwaillen his trespas”
“Certes, for fals witnessing was Susanna in ful gret sorwe
and peyne”